Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 94 - December 25

I went with the cheapest airline to fly to Sydney and back. The cheapest is with Tiger airlines. They actually have their own building for check-ins. It was in terminal 4, which looked like an oversized tool shed beside the airport. Guess that's what happens when you go with the cheapest airline.

We boarded the airplane via the tarmac and walked up the steps the old fashioned way. I slept the entire flight there. Those are the best flights.

When I landed I had to buy a $5 ticket to take the train from domestic terminal to the international terminal so that I could wait for my sisters flight to land.

Double decker trains.
On the way I saw an asian couple wearing the same outfit. I'm glad my parents don't do that.

I waited at the airport for 1.5 hours for my sister to land. I was really happy to see her! There was a shuttle that took us to the designated hotel for Air Canada staff, the Swissotel located in the CBD, beside the Sydney tower.

We changed then headed straight out for lunch. We ate at a Japanese restaurant, called Takeru, while walking to Darling Harbour. I ordered a Mentai Hotate pizza (spicy cod and scallops) and Gekikara Ramen (hot & spicy pork stock noodle soup. My sister ordered Chicken Namban Hiyashi Ramen (cold noodles with deep fried chicken). Everything tasted really good. The only thing was the pizza was super oily.
Mentai Hotate Pizza
Chicken Namban Hiyashi Ramen
Iced UCC coffee and Iced Green Tea Latte
Gekikara Ramen
After that, we went shopping for a bit. We also walked along the harbour.
No texting...
Santa on a warship.... notice he's not even texting...
More texting...
Ivana Tinkle
Ahmed Adoudi
Mmm tasty...
hurray... no more texting haha
Everywhere was buzzing with a lot of tourists and families. My Christmases are usually spent indoors. To be outside in shorts, a shirt and sandals was weird.

There wasn't a lot open, so we watched a movie. We chose Tower Heist. It was alright. Not Ben Stillers best, not that he's been that great lately, but it was ok. My sister and I wanted some dessert...we couldn't finish it.
A giant bowl of ice with ice cream and mangos.
My sister tasted them and they were peaches.
We stopped along the harbour and joined a crowd that was watching a busker act. It was hard to watch. The performer was terrible at his delivery and with the interaction with the crowd. He would make jokes or comments that weren't funny, but he thought it was. I was cringing while watching. But it was like a car accident; you know it's bad and don't want to see, but you do anyways. His act was basically juggling a knife, a fire torch and an apple on top of a bike that was fastened in on a 15 foot pole.

After watching that, we sat down in front of the harbour and talked about life. I'm glad I got to spend Christmas with my sister.

After a couple of hours, we walked back to the hotel and ordered room service for dinner and watched Kung Fu Hustle. Classic Stephen Chow movie.

My favorite sister in the world!!

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