Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 83 - December 14

Met up with Craig in the CBD. This was the first time we actually got to hang out. He lead me down some alleys..... and ended up at a hidden coffee place called 8oz coffee cafe. I ordered an orange dessert.

I think I'm way more into chocolate, coffees, and desserts ever since I landed in Australia. We both ordered coffees, I got a mochachino. When the barista brought us our coffee, the art on it was amazing! Her name was Lauren.

Craig and I talked about our travels and about what I should check out when I head to New Zealand later on next year. He worked at a winery when he was there. He said a nice place to visit is Waiheke Island. 
My new buddy Craig and I.
I went to work at 6:00pm. There was a small Xmas party for Orbit Transport. They do export and imports. The party ended really early at 10:30pm. It was just Sheldon and I and we cleaned up pretty fast.

More about coffees, cause you gotta know all this if you want to work in a cafe:

Latte - 1 shot of expresso and the rest is steamed milk with about 1 cm of milk foam at the top.

Cappuchino - 1/3 expresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 froth, sprinkled chocolate on top. It is essentially a latte but with more milk foam.

Mochachino - a cappuchino with 1-2 teaspoons of liquid chocolate (or hot chocolate).

Flat white - is essentially a latte, but has a higher ratio of expresso and less milk foam.
Flat White

Long Black - a shot of expresso mixed with water (this is what Canadians should order when they want a regualr coffee as it's the closest thing to what we call coffee).
Long Black
Short Black - a shot of expresso, sometimes with little or no foam (served in a very tiny cup).
Short Black
Macchiato - this is essentially a short black with a small amount of milk and foam.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, I appreciate that!! Just gotta learn to update it quicker.
