Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day 100 - December 31

Went to work at 6:00pm. Myself, Jane (one of the new barista's taht Grace hired about a week ago) and Mark were to man the main bar while Grace and Sheldon manned the smaller bar. We had to move all the furniture in the restaurant and pavillion into the back of the restaurant into the parkade. Grace hired 2 new guys, both named Philip, to help Julie serve food and pick up used empty glasses on the dance floor. I got them to move most of the furniture while Mark and I set up the alcohol for the bars. Grace told me that the new guys were asking about tickets to our venue, but since we were already sold out, she asked them to work and they agreed. Weird.

People paid $150 for a ticket to be at our event. It included finger foods and free drinks from 9:30pm - 2:30am. It was limited to basic spirits (Smirnoff Vodka, Jim Beam Bourbon, Gordon's Dry Gin, Bundaberg Rum, Red Label Johnny Walker Scotch), 4 types of beers (Carlton Draught, James Boags, Heineken, Stella), house red and white wines and champagne. Our posters that advertised the NYE party actually said they can pick any beer, but today Grace changed it to 4 choices. That shows you what kind of owner/manager she is.
The place was packed. The lineup for drinks didn't stop from 9:30am-2:30am. Grace said it was one drink per person at a time. Some people would ask for 2 drinks and I had to deny them. There was 1 guy who asked for 2 drinks but I said no. Then he said "The second drink is for my friend", to which I replied "where's your friend?". He had that 'errrrrr..' look on his face and vaguely pointed to a person beside him. I asked the girl that he pointed at "do you know this guy?" and the chick said with a disguisted look "as if, he wishes". I laughed. Poor guy got rejected haha. But I gave him 2 drinks anyways since he got burned. It was sweet having so much power behind a bar haha. People would try and sweet talk me and beg me for more than 1 drink. Eventually we all just started giving 2-3 drinks per person as the cups were pretty small anyways. Plus I'd rather have happy customers than cranky ones. 

At about 11:30pm we ran out of vodka! Are you serious! How can a bar run out of a staple alcohol? Sheldon found out and he said to me "that's ridiculous! obviously Grace isn't looking after us, I'm out of here" and he left 15 minutes later. I asked Grace where Sheldon went and she said "oh, he wasn't feeling well, so I sent him home". Either Sheldon lied to her or Grace lied about Sheldon. I knew a lot of stuff that goes on around here and it seems that Grace doesn't always tell the truth. She kinda twists some stories around so that it makes her look better.

There was finally a break at around 12:00am when everyone went outside to take pictures with the fireworks. I also went out to check them out. There were 3 girls close to me that asked me to take pictures for them with the fireworks in the background. After I helped them take pictures I started talking to them for a bit. They're names were Kirby, Alison, and Bronwyn. Then I took some pictures with them.  They were my kisses to ring in the new year. It was pretty sweet. They also knew now that I would take care of them at the bar. That's all you have to be to get on the good side of bartender: be nice to them or give them tips.

After that, I went back in to serve the crowd again. Then we also ran out of bourbon and gin. It was ridiculous. I started giving people the premium spirits for free, like Jack Daniels, Miduri, Malibu, Chambord, Southern Comfort, etc. but only to nice people and girls that were good looking. Yes I am biased to ugly people. So if you're reading this and I didn't give you what you wanted, you're ugly haha I'm just kidding.... no I'm not.

Mark insisted I start drinking as well. I had some jagerbombs with some easy going woman.

After the free alcohol was cut off at 2:30am, I went to dance for a bit with them. I needed to have some fun as well.

When we started kicking people out at 3:30am, Alison and Kirby wanted me to go with them to a house party. I would've, but unfortunately I had to clean up the cafe. Stupid Harbour Kitchen.  We exchanged numbers so that I could contact them after I was done cleaning up.
The DJ's Brett and Naomi.
Brett was a little tired haha.

Cleaning up didn't end till 6:00am. It was ridonkulous.
Julie takes mopping very seriously.
Mark was nice enough to offer me a ride home. He's awesome and a lot of fun to work with. The sun had just risen into the sky when Mark was driving me home. While he was driving me home he told me to text the girls, even though I was super tired and who would want to do anything at that time of day, but I thought it would be fun. I texted them to see if they wanted to go for breakfast. Alison texted back that she was just getting into bed and Kirby didn't text back at all. She was really tipsy by the time she left the party, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was already sleeping or fell into the harbour haha.

I finally went to bed at 7:00am and set my alarm for 9:00am so that I could go pick up the car at the scheduled time of 10:00am for the Great Ocean Road trip. Only time for 2 hours of sleep.....

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