Friday 3 February 2012

Day 88 - December 19

Went to work at 8:00am. Only PK and Meg was there. I checked the schedule and my name was crossed out and replaced by Julie. Oh shit. I texted Grace and asked her to call me. She showed up 15 minutes later. We talked in her office. I asked what happened. She said she was really upset about how the pavilion door was wide open and that anyone could've gone in and stole her crystal chandeliers. She felt that we didn't care about her and her property. She also she didn't want me to work there anymore and that she already placed an ad on gumtree for a replacement. Then she started crying. She also said that she texted me 'I'm really disappointed in you, the place was a mess'. I stopped her there and said I didn't get any text from her. She pulled out her iPhone and so did I. Sure enough she showed me a text conversation between her and Alex.... a different Alex. The response that she got from that Alex was 'what are you talking about? Who is this? You're crazy'. She said she was offended and texted back 'don't bother coming into work tomorrow'.

I told her if she actually texted me, I would've come into work to help her clean up and that I would've taken responsibility for my actions. I then asked if she wanted me to stay or not and she said to stay. Right then, she gave me her keys to her car to take out the alcohol that she had just bought. What a great way to start a day! I was fired then hired again in 1 day.
After work, PK and I met up with Julie, the Julie that used to work with us 2 months ago. I gave her a bottle of sparkling moscato and dark chocolate (her favorite kind) to give for her birthday that was 2 weeks ago. She loved it.
We decided to go out for dinner. I always walked by the Claypot King restaurant and wanted to try it out, so we went there.
We each ordered a dish to share and an appetizer.

Spicy Kung Bo Chicken Claypot 
Chicken and Mushroom Sizzling
Lamb and Noodles
Vegetarian Dumplings

We mostly talked about how PK, Meg and I relaxed last Saturday night after work and how we forgot some of the furniture outside and then how I got fired and hired again.

After dinner, PK had to go, so we walked him to flinders station. On the way we stopped by a waterfall where you could stick leaves on the wall. We all spelt out our names.

We picked apart someone else's creation as we didn't have enough leaves.
Julie Chan.
Raise the roof!

I'm the master of self portraits.

Riding the dog-pig thing.
PK left and Julie said she still wanted to buy me coffee for the time she stood me up. We walked across the street to federation square to the Tonino Lamborghini cafe and ordered a cappuchino and dessert: Chocolate & marscapone parfait with berry compote & vanilla crumble.
During coffee we were both so tired and couldn't stop yawning. We called it a day after we finished our coffee and dessert.
Picture of the CBD from Federation Square.

I should've went home but the stores in bourke street were still open so I walked along the strip for a bit. Bought a couple of shirts from my favorite store, Roger David.

Another edition of mX:


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