Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 101 - January 1

So I didn't get up in time. I woke up at 10:00am, the time I was supposd to pick up the car!! I rushed to get ready and actually made it to budget by 10:30am. Picked up a 2011 Red Toyota Camry. It looked pretty sleek. I drove home and tried to take a nap, but I was pretty much fully awake.
Sup ladies, check out my rental...
I packed all everything as I was not coming back to this house. I said my good byes to Aleis and Naomi. I also gave him my bike, but gave him a condition that he had to give it to another backpacker once he leaves Melbourne. It was a pay it forward type of thing. Nicholas and Zeena were at her grandmas until next week, so I already said my goodbyes to them.
Farewell house mates!
I picked up Craig from his house and we were on our way. He told me a crazy story that he drank a lot last night, then the next thing he remembers is waking up on a tram. He also lost his backpack that had his credit card and ipod. At least he didn't lose his phone this time like he did last week. This kid says he loses everything.
Our first step was in the town of Torquay, pretty much the start of the Great Ocean Road. We walked along the beach of Zeally Bay. Kinda windy. Had lunch at Subway then headed to the town of Anglesea and had some ice cream.
Sand Turtle!
On the beach with the Indian Ocean behind me.

Which way is forward?
Heh heh heh... it says bush.
After that we went to the Split Point Lighthouse and walked around the area.

Craig had this thing with tennis balls. He found one on the beach and now brings it with him wherever he goes. It reminded me of Warren off of 'Theres Something About Mary'. Along the pathway, he bounced it and it went between the fences and deep into the bush.
"Where's my baseball?"
"Have you seen my baseball?"
We climbed some rocks that were in the waters. The pictures remind me of a Lululemon ad or something.

We proceeded to Lorne to look for a hostel to stay at. No luck. We had to sleep in the car. We drove around for a bit to find a road that was not widely used since it was illegal to sleep in your car. We found a turnoff by an industrial building. I slept in the back while Craig slept in the front seat.

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