Saturday 4 February 2012

Day 92 - December 23

Only worked from 9:00am-12:30pm as it was the last day the cafe was open until January 16 (except for the new years eve party). Since it was the last day, we got to take any of the left over food. I took 6 foccacia sandwiches, a jug of milk, 2 breakfast wraps, 2 muffins, and fruit salad. Merry Xmas to me!!
It was also the last time I would see my buddy PK. Plus he was flying back to India for 3 weeks for vacation. I will miss him.

I then went to Flinders street and went to have a picture with Santa in my beach wear. It was weird. With no snow, family or long time friends, it didn't feel like Christmas at all. It feels like summer vacation to me. I was also the last person allowed in the lineup to have a picture with Santa. There was a security guard there to stop all the kids from getting pictures with Santa. It wasn't the best feeling in the world since I was the last person allowed a picture with Santa, but they should've came earlier to see him mwa haha. Maybe I could've sold my spot to some rich parents.

Since my sister was coming to visit me, I thought I would go shopping for some gifts for her to bring back home. I went to the Chadstone shopping mall again since they were open for 32 hours straight until Saturday at 6pm. I was in the mall for about 5 hours, ugh. People that know me would think that's a regular shopping amount for me, but I'm not use to it anymore. Nor do I enjoy it anymore, especially when the mall was packed from the windowwwwws!! to the wall.

I liked one of the candy store names.

Saw some huge dice. This was almost exactly what I envisioned to be made for a marketing idea I had back when I worked at the casino.
After shopping I took the bus back to caufield to catch my train. I had to run to my train platform as the sign said my train was arriving in 1 minute. Like the other few with me from the bus, I started running toward the train. I saw the train in front of me as it let passengers out. Shit!!! I quickly beeped my myki pass and bolted to the train doors and literally jumped in as the doors were closing. Think of the scene in Indiana jones when he ran toward the closing wall and he had to slide underneath it to escape. Now replace Harrison ford with the awesome me and replace the ancient closing stone wall with modern train doors. Then replace the sliding underneath with the jumping onto. That's how it was. True story. Once I jumped in, a couple of teenagers clapped at my acheivementat. I told them "Thanks, I'm a trained ninja. Don't try that at home". We had a good laugh.

While riding the train, a little girl went and offered another little boy some candy that she had. When she went back to sit down, she was laughing and said to her mom 'he took so much'. Myself, the mother and a couple of other strangers laughed. That was awesome! Guess the father of the little boy didn't teach him to not take candy from strangers.

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