Saturday 4 February 2012

Day 91 - December 22

Bao didn't show up for his shift at 7am. When I came into the cafe for my shift at 9:00am, it was super busy. We already had 2 reservations that had about 15 people each. That including the coffee rush put a strain on PK and Mark. I took care of all their orders for one table while still helping the usual walk-ins for cafe food. It was busy for about an hour. PK was going crazy as he had to pick up the slack for Bao not showing up and on top of that he was being watched by Theo since Grace was not here. This is where Grace is so weird, getting her ex-boyfriend to watch over the cafe. He doesn't even get paid for it.

There was a funny incident where a dad and his 3 kids came up to the counter to ask for juice. Theo said we had apple juice, orange juice and pineapple juice. Then I added that we had flavoured schwepps as well, like mango  and orange, lemon and lime etc. Theo butts in and says "well that's not juice, it's carbonated" and the dad looks at me and gives me the 'is this guy for real?' look while rolling his eyes. I also rolled my eyes and the dad chuckled.

Another funny incident was when a FOB asian chick came in to order a juice. Bao started talking her up. This continued for about 10 minutes, then Theo apparently just yelled at Bao "that's enough Bao!" and right then Bao told the girl he had to get back to work. I was in the kitchen and Bao came back and told me that Theo was being a cock-blocker and a douchebag. I agreed, but asked him if he got her number. He answered "no" to which I replied "well he did give you ample time to get her number" and he laughed.
PK had an hour break since his shift was from 6:30am-10:00pm. He took a well deserved nap.

Had some fun with the glass markers and in the section where we keep our hot food. For everyone back home in Canada.
Only $12.95? I'll take 3 please.
Chips (fries) are not included.

After my shift was done at 6:00pm, I went home and had dinner. After dinner I decided to walk to 7-11 and buy some ice cream. They had peppermint Magnums!!... Ice Cream Magnums that is...
Mmmmmm mint chocolate....
It was really good. I decided to walk around the neighbourhood. I usually do this one a week, but never to the same places. I came across a cricket ground.
I sat where the wickets would be placed.
It was a huge playing field. It was nice to walk around and listen to music. It was like time had slowed down and I had a lot of time to think about life. I remember being back home in Canada and not really having time for myself to think. It felt like everything was rush rush rush. Here it was relaxing. I gotta learn how to slow things down when I get back home.

It was pretty dark outside. I stumbled upon neighbouring houses at had a lot of christmas lights up. I overheard that it took them 5 weeks to put it all up.
I think they may need a course on religion.
Pretty sure some of these dolls don't belong here.
This is the '2011 best of Overheard'. 

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