Friday 3 February 2012

Day 89 - December 20

Woke up to Oscar waiting outside my room.
"I want my food MEOW!"
"I don't care if I'm tired, I'm hungry!"
"Don't make me pounce you"
*Nom nom nom*
Work was fun with just Sylvia, Mark, PK and Meg. Not having Grace around is nice. There's no nagging or complaining in the background. She seems to complain a lot and always wants someone to feel bad for her. She left for China to pick up her daughter from her parents. She will be back in a week.

For those of you that don't know, Australian money is plastic.

I smell some wikipedia coming on... "In 1988, the Reserve Bank of Australia issued plastic, specifically polypropylene polymer banknotes, to commemorate the bicentenary of European settlement in Australia. These notes contained a transparent "window" with an optically variable image of Captain James Cook as a security feature. Australian banknotes were the first in the world to use such features. All current Australian banknotes also contain Microprinting for further security".

I believe Canada is following in Australia's footsteps and currently have plastic $100 bills.

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