Wednesday 28 December 2011

Day 61 - November 22

Sweet, Burn was still sick (I wonder if she knows she's getting fired). There was a new barista working, an asian named Ollie. Although he made great coffee, he didn't speak english very well.

Had a new kitchen hand start today as they needed someone to help PK in the back. Her name is Layla and she's from England. Nichola, Julie and Cal also worked today.
Cal was being lazy again. He didn't have his master, Burn, working today so he knew he could relax. I felt great about work. I worked harder than when Burn is here barking orders at us. Her attitude makes me resent her and not want to do what she asks.

Since there were so many of us, Grace asked if I wanted to leave early at 1:45pm. I agreed since I started work at 7:30am. I also asked if I could have tomorrow off and she agreed.

I texted Noemi to see if she wanted to meet up for coffee since I knew she was done class at 1:30pm. She texted back that she was near Melbourne Central station. We met there. She bought a chicken burger from Hungry Jacks and I bought a Rum cake and cappuccino from Michel's Patisserie.

We talked about what we used to do and why we're in Melbourne. She used to be a Psychologist back in Spain. She then closed down her office and left everything behind for her boyfriend and moved to England. Their relationship didn't work out so she moved back to Spain. Then she didn't know what to do. On a whim, she decided to take an English course in Melbourne.
After our chat, we walked to where I took my RSA course since she also wanted to take that course. I also showed her where Pinnacle was so that she knew where to go to apply. We took the bus home after that and just hung out for the rest of the day.

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