Wednesday 28 December 2011

Day 60 - November 21

On the train ride to work I was dreading to work with Burn. When I entered the cafe, Burn wasn't working. Grace was at the coffee machine (she also knew how to make coffee). I asked her where Burn was and she walked up to me and said that she was going to fire her sometime this week. I couldn't help but smile. I said "awesome" and Grace gave me a smile and hug. That was random, but I didn't care as Burn was getting fired.
This is all I could think of when I heard burn was fired. Ding dong...

A new girl arrived for a trial. Her name was Nichola and she was from New Zealand. She seemed a little odd. I can't really describe it, but she was a little off somehow. It was very subtle though.

I had mustard and honey pork for dinner. It was the left over from work that didn't sell. Free food is good food.

Oscar was playing around outside.

More from the mX newspaper:

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