Friday 9 December 2011

Day 54 - November 15

There were so many instances today where Burn, the barista, would just have to have the last say. Too bad, I wouldn't give her the pleasure. If she said something that was ridiculous or telling me to do something that I was already going to do, I would respond back. I could see that she was getting annoyed by it, so I thought it would be fun to keep it going.

There was at one point where she asked me to speak to her in the pavilion. Perfect, this will be a good time to put it all out. I started by saying, "look I know we both don't like each other, but I'm only here until January. We should just get along until then". She couldn't even look me in the eye when we were talking. She seemed like she was nervously looking around. Though we came to the conclusion that we'll just try to get along and do our jobs, I think the conversation fell on deaf ears...deaf ugly ears haha.

Meg was done at 2:30pm and I finished at 3:00pm, but we all had to be back for a staff meeting at 4:00pm. During the staff meeting, Grace tried to control the meeting, but Burn and PK were kind of butting in while she talked. Apparently there was $264 missing from the tills a couple of days ago. Grace said that she will be splitting the difference with the 6 people that were working that day out of our pay. We all lost $44. Not sure who stole the money. I think it was a till issue. During the busy times in the afternoon, there are 4 of us behind the counter sharing 2 tills. If one of us is in the middle of a transaction, another person will cash out the current transaction because they want to quickly serve their customers (which they shouldn't be doing, they should wait until the trasnaction is fully done before using the till). This usually happens with the newbies.

Also during the staff meeting, Grace announced that Burn is the new cafe manager! Oh geez, I felt like quitting right then and there. Then Grace announced that I was the new event manager. She mentioned that I would help her out with the event planning and such, but she never told me that I would have an official title or anything. Raise?

Not sure what to think of the meeting. I know that Burn will be even more on a power trip. I think I'd rather just work nights when there are events and avoid working in the day times.

After work I met up with Jenn and Paul for their going away party. They were leaving for Perth in a couple of days. We had a couple of drinks at Tuscan, a rooftop bar on Bourke Street. Natalie was there, whom I haven't seen since our Canadian Thanksgiving party, and Jenn's other co-workers Sonja and another Natalie.
Natalie, Natalie, Lesbian Jenn, Sonja
We sat at a table that was at the edge of the rooftop. It started raining, so the waiter suggested we move to the table next to us as he could expand the retractable rain cover. After about 10 mins, it stopped raining. The waiter decided to retract the cover. It started raining again after 15 mins. HE came back to expand the cover again. It happened a couple more times. It was comical.

After chatting over drinks, we all decided to grab a bite to eat. We walked across the street to an Indian restaurant. They had a special deal going on. We all ordered it. I got the butter chicken and lamb rogan josh.

A good Indian deal
Everything was good except the so called salad

Jenn and I were talking about how Paul can't eat spicy foods. He'll start sweating if it's even remotely spicy. I now know his kryptonite mwa haha.


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