Wednesday 21 December 2011

Day 55 - November 16

Walked to my train station, Dennis, from my house. It's about an 8 minute walk. Rode the train to Southern Cross station. It toook about 17 minutes. When I work at 10:30am, there's not a lot of people riding the train so I always get a seat. When I work at 8:30am, it's so packed that I never get to sit.
Dennis Station, not sure why this looks like it was taken in the 80's

Southern Cross Station from the outside

Southern Cross Station from the inside. My train stops on platform 9.
Once I get off the train, I walk past the Etihad Stadium and cross the street to the Docklands where Harbour Kitchen is.

It was a better day at work. Though Burn still had some comments that were just unnessary, but they weren't as frequent today as they usually were.

Went shopping with PK after work as he was looking for some gifts to bring back home when he leaves for India next month. We shopped at the Southern Cross Station where a shopping mall is attached to it. It was a mix of regular stores and outlets. There's a shopping mall at this station because this is where all major domestic bus and trains stop in Melbourne.
I didn't buy anything at this mall, which once again was very difficult, but I did buy Oyster sauce for my gai lan (chinese veggies). It was almost like home cooked food, only not as good as my dad does it. Actually, not even close to how awesome my dad makes food. I miss it a lot.

Mmmmm Gai Lan with Oyster Sauce, a Chinese staple vegetable
Along with my rice, all I need now is fish, duck, and chicken and I'll have my self an Asian feast. Maybe I can add in Shark Fin soup and an Abalone just to be a bit posh.

Abalone - one of the top Asian delicacies

Here are my house mates!!
Me, Oscar, Zeena, Raul and Nic

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