Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day 46 - November 7

I was supposed to work from 10:30am - 4:00pm but the barista from hell, Burn, said that she talked to Grace and that I was off at 2:30pm. I don't think she even talked to the owner, she's just making stuff up. I know she got me to leave early because I won't take her crap. No matter, it was a nice day to take a stroll.

I walked up Bourke Street and came across a candy store. They sold Chocolate Pizza! It looked yummy. But it was $25!
I bought some other chocolates instead, like minted chocolate balls and sprinkled chocolate dips. Mmmm chocolate. The amount of chocolate I've eaten in Australia has already amounted to the amount I eat in a year back home. Not sure what's going on, maybe I'm preggos??

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