Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day 48 - November 9

The salad police strikes again. Only I knew she would because I did it on purpose mwa haha. She went balistic. "Didn't you listen?" she asked me. I replied "Grace (the owner) never questioned me on the salad size I made before" then she snaps back "Well I'm going to talk to her then" and proceeds to walk away. I may or may not have snickered. I enjoyed my foccacia and my ginormous salad.

More fun with Oscar. The first video is of him cleaning himself and the second is when he opens the door for dinner.

I had a craving for shepherds pie. Instead of buying it premade, I decided to make my own. Bought corn, peas, onion, ground beef and mashed potato mix.
Made my own design on the top
Though it fell apart, it still tasted awesome!
It looked good in the baking dish, but it fell apart when I cut a piece out. I'm missing moisture for the mix so that it would stick together. The inside was too dry and that's why it fell apart. Next time I'll added the missing ingredients, tomato paste and chicken stock. I'll also use less mashed potato on top.

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