Saturday 24 December 2011

Day 57 - November 18

Worked a long shift, like every Friday. Sheldon, the Canadian from Toronto, worked the latter half of the day with me. I think Grace only wants him to work bartending shifts on Friday and Saturday nights. He has a sense of humour that is a little different in that it may come off as a bit offensive, but sometimes it's funny.

Got home late and talked to Noemi for a bit. Since Raul was leaving for vacation for 2 months, he put an ad out for someone to rent his room for that time so that he could save money. Noemi answered that ad. She came to Australia to take an English course. She arrived in Melbourne about a week ago and stayed at the Elephant backpackers hostel on Flinders and said it was terrible. Apparently the walls between the rooms don't go all the way up. She said she could hear people crying, farting and having sex. A backpackers worst nightmare or a creepy persons heaven. You decide.

I had some vegemite on toast. Yuck, not the greatest thing in the world as Australians seem to think. I did try some vegemite flavoured chips though. It tasted okay, but I wouldn't buy it again.

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