Monday 5 December 2011

Day 41 - November 2

Came to work and Burn, the barista, was already commanding and annoying. Grace, the cafe owner, left to run some errands. Burn decided that since Grace wasn't here, she would boss around Meg, Cal and myself. I ignored most of what she was saying and just did what I had to do. She has a boyfriend that lives about 3 hours out of Melbourne and she only sees him a couple of times a month. Smart man.

For dinner I cooked up steak with fried garlic chips and steamed broccoli and a tasty latte.
Scrumptious dinner
Called one of my best friends Melissa and talked for awhile. It was awesome to hear from her. It almost felt like I was back home again. I mentioned to her that it felt like a lifetime ago since I've seen everyone. Even though it's only been a month, it feels like forever. She says that everyone in Calgary is missing 1 person in their lives while I am missing everyone, so that's why it feels like a lifetime. I hate it when she's right. Get out of my head!!

I wonder what it'll feel like when I finally go home. If I ever come home.... My sister says I have to return within a year. She actually wants me back sooner. She says I have to come home and grow up and that I can't be Peter Pang... or can I???

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