Monday 28 November 2011

Day 38 - October 30

Made some breakfast for once. I don't usually eat breakfast as I wake up too late for that. I made a scrambled egg sandwich. I also had my daily latte. I have conformed to the ways of the Melbournians and am now addicted to lattes and cappuccino's.

I had to get a haircut today. It's way too long! I took the bus to the CBD as I saw a lot of salons that advertised haircuts for $15. I went into some of them to ask if washing was included. Some of the people were very salesperson like. One guy I asked immediately took my hand to shake, then he steered me toward the chair. As he answered that a cut was $15 plus $5 for wash, I said I'm checking next door for their price and walked out. While I walked out, he said that everywhere had the same price. I went next door and the woman told me that $15 and she'll include the free wash for me and that it was just for me for a special price. They were all salesperson like. I agreed to the woman.
She asked how I wanted my hair cut. I felt strange as I haven't had to really explain how to cut my hair for awhile. Lindsay, at The Fringe, usually just does it. I explained it as best I could. She took a razor and a comb and buzzed through my hair like crazy. It was as though she was in a contest with the other hairdressers in the room to see who was the fastest. I was so nervous. I've never been nervous for a haircut. Heck I'm not even nervous for interviews, but I was really nervous and scared of this lady. I tried to calm myself by talking to her and asked where she was from. She answered Korea and her English was really poor. By the time I thought of another question to ask, she was done!! It took 10 minutes. I'm used to a casual and relaxing type of hair cut. When I see Lindsay, we talk and laugh while she cuts my hair. I was scared of the Korean woman. Then lindsay would wash and massage my hair then style it and made sure it was perfect. The Korean just rinsed my hair and that was it.
I went to the till to pay with a $20 for the $15 haircut. There was no way I was given this chick a $5 tip so I was hoping for some change back, but sure enough she gave me a $5 bill. At the same time though, people in Australia don't expect to be tipped, but she was also not very friendly at all during my 10 minute haircut. I said thanks and left.
When I went home, I checked my hair and sure enough there were some random long hairs here and there. That's what you get for a $15 haircut!

I bought some chocolate to calm my nerves.


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