Friday 25 November 2011

Day 37 - October 29

Lazed around at home for the first half of the day since I didn't have to work till 6:30pm.
Today was Adams last day at work. It sucks since he was my go to guy and I could ask him anything without him being annoyed. He was also a lot of fun to work with.
There were 2 parties tonight: 1 party was a girls 21st bday for the outside pavilion and another girls (25th?) bday for inside the cafe. I met the DJ, Naomi, that was spinning for the inside party. She was a tomboy with cool, anime style hair. When I told her I was from Canada, she told me she was moving there next year to Vancouver.
After Adam, PK, Azrael, and I finished setting up the place for the parties, the guest started arriving. Grace told me that I will helping Adam with bartending tonight.
The girl that was having her birthday inside had a very nice dress on. It was aqua blue with bits of mirrors all over her dress. Think of a cannon with a disco ball inside and she stood in front of it when it went off, minus the blood and screaming. She looked very attractive with her hair did, makeup on and in that dress.
Julie dropped by to say goodbye to Adam. Grace jumped in on the opportunity to get her to work tonight as well. She begged Julie to work 3 hours. It was a good idea though as there was a lot of work to be done.
Julie helped grace bartend and bring out hors de ourves to the guests. I didn't get a chance to hand out the food this time, which I really like doing as I get a chance to talk to the people. I was stuck behind the bar as the party goers inside were all Greeks and they can drink like fish.
The birthday girl, for the outside party, bought a $500 tab for her guests while the Greek girls party had a $3000 tab. Obviously the $500 tab was finished in less than an hour. The $3000 tab lasted for most of the night.
I was super busy mixing and serving drinks, but it was also fun. The following were what I mostly mixed: vodka sunrise, vodka raspberry, vodka limes, vodka apple juice, Bourbon and coke, whiskey and coke, and lemon lime bitters. Adam says that the lemon lime bitter drink is out of date. It's an old English drink from back in the day, but Australians are ordering it like it's the new thing.

Doesn't look appetizing

The Greek party had their cake and baklava. I tried the baklava, it was pretty much pastry soaked in sweet syrup. It was way too sweet.

The cake looked nice, but tasted dry. I like the giant chocolate cones though. I find it very dangerous to work these events as I'd been eating a lot of cakes lately.

After work, PK and I went to grab a bite before we went home. We stopped by Halal Kebobs across the street from the night rider bus stop. It was literally a hole in the wall. There was a bum that asked if we could buy him a drink. PK ordered food and was asked if he wanted to add a drink for $1.10. PK said yes and then turned around and told the Jim he could grab any drink from the fridge. the bum was grateful and grabbed his drink. Weird, I thought PK wasn't the kind of guy to do that, but that was nice of him. I offered him my can of pop that I bought, but he wasn't thirsty.

Lamb Kebab
Once we finished eating, we both caught different buses home.

When I got off my stop and was about halfway walking home, i was passing a 7-11. As I was walking, a car was pulling out from gassing up at the 7-11 and honked at me as i was walking on the walkway as though I had gotten in her way. Really? You had to honk at me? Especially when it's 4:00am? I was clearly already walking on the path, why would I stop to wait for her to pass. Once she honked, I slowed down walking, then once I was out of her way, we had a staring contest as she stopped on the road. I was contemplating on throwing my can of pop that I had just bought, but then I restrained. She drive off about 5 seconds later. Sweet i won the staring contest, showed her who's boss.  I couldn't believe how Melbournians in vehicles think they have the right of way 100% of the time.

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