Tuesday 8 November 2011

Day 21 - October 13

Got two phone calls in the morning, one from a company that I applied for to be a vessel personnel officer and the other was from Crown casino.

The vessel one didn't work out as they needed someone for long term. The position was to take care of scheduling 5 ships and its crew that go from land to an offshore oil rig. Sounded kinda fun, but oh well.

As for Crown they asked about my resume that I had submitted the day before. They were more interested in the online application problem that I had mentioned in the email. They asked what I wanted to apply for and there was only Guest Services available, so I said that, but then I mentioned that I was hoping for a temporary position to be a part of the marketing department and that I had a lot to offer. She told me that she would forward my details to the marketing manager.

I headed toward the nearest strip of shops. It was about a 10 minute walk. The first and only place I applied to was a cafe shop that had a help wanted sign on the front window. They had already hired someone, but said they may need someone next week, so I left my resume with her. The other stores I walked by didn't have any help wanted signs.

Took a bus to another strip of stores. On the way the bus passed by Batman Park! I walked up and down the streets, but to no avail, there weren't shops that were hiring. There were some hand written signs in Arab and Punjabi, but I wasn't able to decipher them to know what the heck it said, probably something like, 'slanty eyes not welcome here' or something like that. The longer I kept walking in one direction, the more the neighbourhood was mostly Punjabi. It was a sign to get outta dodge.

I took the bus to the next big street and walked about 30 mins in the blazing sun. I was dressed in my dress pants, short sleeved white button up shirt, grey cashmere sweater overtop and a black tie. I was also in my dress shoes and my feet were already starting to hurt. I decided it was time to take a break.

I went to check out the Preston Farmers market. It was like a little china town supermarket. Lots of Chinese type of vegetables and stuff.
I only bought two oranges because I was planning to head back to the Northland Shopping mall to apply and knew it would look bad if I was carrying grocery bags while I applied.

When I got to Northland, the whole mall was actually open. From Sunday to Wednesdays they close at 5:00pm, while the other days they close at 9:00pm. I talked to some people at JB Hi Fi (like futureshop), a clothing store, Myers (like The Bay), and EB Games. I had the best vibe at EB games as I talked to the guy who just hired some people, but he said that not all of them will make it and that he will probably give me a call. If I work there, it'll suck since I don't have any game consoles to play on, but I wouldn't buy any games anyways since everything is really expensive. PS3 greatest hits games are $40 here, while back home they are $20 or so. Brand new games are $99 while back home they sell for around $65.

I decided to have something different for dinner today. I was getting sick of pasta and noodles. I had a lamb wrap. It was dry, but the Vanilla coke that came with it was pure awesome. After I finished dinner, it was time for home.

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