Wednesday 16 November 2011

Day 28 - October 20

Worked 10am to 6pm. My first real shift. I talked to PK and Adam more. It's so much easier to get along with other guys. The girls on the other hand are so uptight and tense. Burn, the barista, just keeps barking orders and complains. The same goes with Rhiann. She was telling me how to wrap up the sandwiches and what not, but she was giving me this face of anger and just walks off. The next time I saw her, I asked her if I did something wrong and she replied no. But she did continue to say that she was fed up with everyone trying to train me at the same time. It was true though, everyone was telling me things at the same time and even things that contradicted each other. One person would say we start taking the sandwiches into the kitchen at 1:30pm, another person says that we take them in at 2:00pm.

Rhiann later apologized to me for looking angry at me and that it was nothing personal towards me. Adam told me that Irish people are usually angry looking and sounding as well haha. 

It was kinda weird when I was sweeping and mopping. Only about a month ago I had my own comfy leather office desk, I could take a break whenever I wanted, ate free food, and I could tell other people to sweep and mop if I wanted to. Now I'm the one at the bottom of the ladder doing the mopping and sweeping. I smiled for some reason when I thought of that. Just seemed funny. The thought "don't take things for granted" passed through my mind though.

My new dodgeball team.
Today was the first day of dodgeball. The owner of this league, Tyler Bowman,  is from Calgary. He came to live in Melbourne and decided to start up his own league. Smart guy. It was a lot different than what I was used to back home though. The balls were like volleyballs, very light and thin. When the ball was thrown, because it was so light, it would drift in weird directions. Also, no matter how hard you throw it, it was still pretty slow. Other different rules: they can bounce the ball at any time and also ditch it anywhere they want (even on their own side), you can hold more than 1 ball, and the ball doesn't have to pass half when thrown. We had about 8 players on our team. Tyler put me together with Sara's team, called Scared Hitless. We won by 2 points. It didn't really matter anyways since it was a 'friendly' game. The real season starts in 3 weeks.

Ooops, forgot about the mX yesterday

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex... sorry I couldn't catch up with you when you were in Melbourne. Hope you had a fun time with dodgeball despite the balls. Although I learned to like them more than the ones in Calgary haha.
