Wednesday 9 November 2011

Day 22 - October 14

Hotel Discovery Hostel

I decided to go back to the Central Business District (CBD). It's the only place where the city is buzzing. I headed back to the Discovery Hotel to talk to Jessica, the person in charge of helping backpackers get a job.
I talked to her the first week I was in Melbourne and emailed her, but never heard back from her. I walked in and it was a guy named Steve, whom I've seen behind the help desk before. I asked him about Jessica and he said she got fired. She was let go because she was promising backpackers jobs when there weren't any at the time. I think they get a commission rate for every backpacker they got a job for, so she probably wanted to keep the backpackers from working with other agencies or something. Anyways, I signed up on the sheet to get a call if any work comes in. I think it's mostly labour work, but I'm happy to do anything right now.

I checked out Melbourne Central Station. A mall was built above the train station. Think of it as TD Square downtown Calgary, only that the bottom level was a train station. I checked all the stores and only 1 was hiring and it stated to apply online. Another place that wants resumes sent online. That's ridiculous. I believe that first impressions are everything. If someone came into the store, you could at least have a 5 minute conversation with the person applying and you'll be able to tell if you're going to hire them or not. Reading online resumes won't tell you how well they can interact with people, which is a big component to customer service.

Melbourne Central Station from the outside
Inside Central Station

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