Sunday 13 November 2011

Day 27 - October 19

Observation day. I worked from 9:00am to 6:00pm. I met Adam, tall English dude (mid 20's or so), who was going to be training me. He was super nice and chill, been there for 7 months. Also met Rhiann, Irish chick (early 20's), who's been there for 4 months, Dolores, Kiwi on her second day (early 20's), and Burnadette (Burn for short) who was the Barista (mid 30's).

Grace said that Adam would be training me. He told me the basic stuff like greeting customers, bring them their food by matching the number on the receipt with the number that we give them when they order and stuff like that. At the same time, while Adam was training me, Rihann and Burn would butt in and tell me other stuff at the same time. I had so many people telling me so many things at once, it was annoying.

Later on I met the kitchen crew, PK whom is from India (23) and has been there for 2 years and Sylvia, Australian (late 20's). PK was cool too. Sylvia seemed like she kept more to herself, but the more I talked to her, the more she opened up.

It got really busy during the lunch rush. My job was to listen for the bell, which means that either coffee or food was ready to be brought out. That bell didn't stop ringing for at least an hour. Constant running around all day.

Rihann said it was my lunch break. She said I could pick anything for lunch to eat. For some reason I had a big grin on my face and replied "anything?!". I went for the ham and spicy meat focaccia sandwich and salad. The sandwich is first mircowaved for 45 seconds, then it's flattened in a flat grill. It was crispy and delicious! I also made a side salad that had avacado, tomatoes, olives, pumpkin and onion. I ate outside. The view was awesome. I could get used to this.
My view while I had lunch

After my shift was over, Grace said she wanted me on board. She was also interested in my marketing background and what I did. I gave her some ideas about what I could do for her; design some signage, check out the other nearby cafes to see what their specials were, what their coffee prices were compared to our, etc.

Sweet, I got the job!

I celebrated by buying steak for dinner. I also saw kangaroo meat at Coles, but I didn't buy it. I'll have to look that up on how to cook it for next time.
Didn't seem expensive
Good ol fashioned steak with rice and corn

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