Tuesday 22 November 2011

Day 33 - October 25

Started work at 8:00am. Soooooo early. Todays roster included Sylvia, PK, Burn, Dolores. Nothing too much happened today. Just Burn being bi-polar and commanding at the same time. She's nice sometimes, then just super bossy and bitchy.

PK and I had a conversation while he was making a latte for a customer (PK fills in as the barista if Burn is on a break). He was telling me how Burn freaks out randomly, can't take any criticism and that she's very anal about certain things. For example, she likes the salt and pepper shakers facing a certain way on tables, or always being clean and tidy, yet she doesn't put the lids back on the milk jugs and honey bottles. He wants to let her know that she should put the lids on the milk and honey bottles to prevent ants and other bugs from contaminating it, but he feels that he can't even mention that to her because she'll freak out. Just then, she walks by and she asked him what he was doing and he said 'making a latte' and then asked her to pour the rest of the milk into the cup to make the latte art, but she kept asking him what he was doing and he said kept replying to ask her to make the art and she freaked out. PK and I just turned to each other and laughed. 

Why is it so hard to work with these women?! Seriously! I was talking to Adam when he came in at 12:00pm and I was telling him what happened and he just smiled and nodded his head while saying 'I know man, I know'.

For lunch today I had the chicken avocado focaccia sandwich with salad. It was actually hotter outside than in the cafe, even though it rained in the morning. The sun finally came out and I had a fantastic view of the harbour again.

I wanted to get off work early at 2:00pm instead of 4:00pm so that I could shop around a bit at the Donsbury Westfield Shopping mall, so I switched with Adam.
I took the bus from where I worked to the shopping mall. It was about a 50 minute bus ride. Part of the route was even on the highway. It was freakin far.

When I arrived at the mall, I passed by a giant ass cricket bat and ball.
Melbournians love this sport as well.

I picked up my shoes that were the last in Melbourne. My mission was finally accomplished and my feet thanked me.

They had a tea store called T2, pretty much exactly like Teaopia. I tried some samples and Turkish Cherry tasted very sweet and I liked it a lot, but my eye caught a Chocolate Chip Chai and I bought that instantly. Hope it tastes as good as it smells.

There was a couple of shoe stores that I went into, just to compare the prices of the shoes that I bought, but I got the best deal already. On the shelf, there was a weird looking shoe that I've never seen before. 
The shoes had the outlines of the toes. I asked the worker about these and he says that the makers, Vibrant, wanted to make a shoe that felt like you were walking bare feet, just like the Nike Free Runs, only Vibrant took it to the next level. I wanted to try them on to see what it was like and sure enough, it did feel like I was walking bare feet, but they looked so nasty.

By an American company, Vibrant
Looks good with dress pants

Being a geek, I heard a guy saw R2-D2 and I looked at what the guy was pointing to and they were headphones. There was also Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper to choose from. I know Dex would love these, but he doesn't wear headphones anyways.

For a low price of $129.95
They also had The Hulk and Spiderman ones

Lululemon followed me to Australia too! My sister told me a story that they franchised at one point and that's why they are in Australia, but now Lululemon Canada wants to buy it all back and keep it the way it was before, pre-franchise.

When I got home, I didn't want to make dinner from scratch again, so I put my leftovers together and ate them. Rice, Penne and pasta sauce. Kinda looked weird with the melted cheese on rice, but whatever, it was good.

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