Monday 18 June 2012

Day 151 - February 20

Worked my 4th of 6th training shifts. Kylie, my 21 year old boss, said that I was the easiest to train and that I'm done everything that a new employee needs to learn, but the company wants to stick with the 6 training shifts at 3 hours each before I can have a full shift.

I practiced on my coffee making skills. Worked with Sharon again. Always fun to work with her. Met Pujan. She's from Nepal. Since Kylie is leaving for vacation next week, Kylie will be putting her in charge while she's gone.
Finally found a coke bottle with my name on it!!

After work I went to try and get my WA license. I had everything they required: visa stamp, overseas drivers license, bank card, bank statement proving my address, work statement proving my address and my student ID card. Apparently the student ID is supposed to be from a school within WA. It didn't specify that on the sheet of requirements. This would be a cool souvenir. She could've just given me the WA license too, but she was being difficult. She said I could buy a proof of age card for $25 and use that card instead of the student ID card. $25 is not worth it just to get the free WA license since I can use my Canadian license to drive anyways. I'll try at another motor agency and see what happens.

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