Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 143 - February 12

Went bike riding for a couple of hours. Thought a lot about life. There's something about just riding a bike by yourself. Time slows, almost like someone pressed paused on the remote of life. There's nothing but the wind and your own thoughts. You start thinking about things you would never have thought about on a regular day. I even had thoughts about grade 9 for some reason. But I've also had time to think about the present. Mostly about where I'm at, what do I want out of life, what have I done to get where I'm at, my relationships with family and friends.

I challange all those that read this to try it out. Go for an hour bike ride with no music. I find that night fall has a better effect on thinking for me. Day time may work better for you. Also, ride in areas that are not busy with people, cars, or office buildings. The less going on around you, the better.

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