Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 141 - February 10

Went for the interview at 'The Partisan' restaurant in East Perth. Met Dylan, one of the owners. He was super nice. The interview went well. His girlfriend was also from Canada. Maybe he had a soft spot for Canadians and that's why he was quick to call me. He asked me to come back at 6:00pm for a trial and I agreed.

Since I didn't have to come back till 6:00, I went to check out the Perth Art Gallery. Entry was free. I like free stuff! Saw some work that I liked.
This is called the Automated Colour Field by Rebecca Baumann. Baumann's kinetic sculptures are concerned with the relationship between colour and emotion for which she has researched into psychology, sociology and colour theory. She often uses ordinary found, low-tech machines which energise the moment when an experience is changed. The work consists of a structural grid of 100 split-panel, battery operated clockes, each with the number cards replaced with cards of solid colour, yellow, red, blue, green. The cards flip on the minutes and the hour, revealing endless combinations of the colour palette. The work can also be read as a diagram of emotions and the clocks as an extension of the role of chance and time in both the artist's work and our lives.
I liked how it's always changing and, as the desciption above, how there are endless combinations.
Suspended Stone Circle by Ken Unsworth
This is one of a series of suspension installations in both sculpture and performance begun from drawings by the artist during the 1970s to explore the physical and spiritual properties of natural materials, their innner forces and energies. Unsworth's signature smooth river stones, collected by himself and hung improbably by wire from poles, hover just about the ground in a circular formation and embody his avowed preference for 'making art that is timeless or ancient'. The stones - smoothed and shaped by time and held by lines that suggest drawing in space - defy gravity and their origin, to create a sculpture about equilibrium, balance and formal relations that is suspended between the material and immaterial worlds. Systematically structured but perceptually equivocal, the work seems to be both weightless and weighty, both arrested yet in contained motion.

I liked it cause it looks cool.

A couple of my other favorites...
Big Red Square - Erich Buchholz
Abstract - Frank Hinder
The Butterfly - Freda Robertshaw
Assassin - Albert Tucker
The Short Street - John Brack
Pastoral Symphony - Blamire Young
Early Morning - Florence Fuller
Snow Scene, Valmondois - Charles Daubigny
Bride Of The North - Tarryn Gill
All by Helen Taylor
Stick - David Shrigley
The End - Tom Gibbons
It's a stick with eyes and they call it art. Maybe I'll just put poo on a stick and call that art.
When I got home, AMF called and told me that I got the job! I told Judieth that I was going to a trial at a restaurant and she replied 'Well now I've saved you from going to that trial!'. It felt great to get that job. They said I would start casual then get more hours as my performance increases.
I decided to go to the restaurant trial anyways. I thought maybe I could work both until I would be full time at the bowling alley. Nic, my housemate, was home and he was headed to the horse track which was a couple of blocks from the restaurant, so he gave me a ride down there.

I was about 30 mins early so I went for a coffee. As I was having coffee, I was contemplating if I should bother doing the trial and work at the restaurant. After 10 minutes, I made up my mind. I went to talk to Dylan. I told him that I got the job at AMF bowling. I said that since it's just down the street from my place, it made more sense to work there and that I would try it out. If it didn't work out, I told him I would crawl back to him and see if he still wanted me to work at his restaurant. He said 'deal' and thanked me for my honesty. I was also thinking that since AMF is a business chain, wherever I moved next, would most likely have an AMF and I could just transfer and get a job right away.

I went grocery shopping and bought items to make spicy butter chicken.
It took me about an hour to make it all. I was really hungry while making dinner. I ate 2 bowls, 1 bowl too many. About 5 hours later when I went to bed, I still felt full...

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