Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day 149 - February 18

Brett came to Perth for his holidays. He's the Dj that Grace hires for the Harbour Kitchen cafe back in Melbourne.  Pretty cool guy. I decided that we should head to Fremantle, since I've never been there. We got there at about 12:30pm. We walked toward the Roundhouse, a prison, that was used from 1831-1886. It's also the oldest standing building in Western Australia. I read online that a canon is fired everyday at 1:00pm and I wanted to be there for that. The purpose is to give mariners and residents an exact daily time check. It has been an on-going tradition since 1900.

Punishment by order of being too Awesome!!

This could be right out of Looney Tunes.
Brett and I got there about 12:45pm and I was talking to the volunteer that was setting up the cannon. He asked if I wanted to fire the cannon at 1:00pm. "Hellz yeah" I beamed. As I waited for my time to shine, a couple of people asked the volunteer if they could fire the cannon, but he told them I was already picked. That's right people. Get out of my way, it's my cannon for the next 10 mins. I was told to put on ear muffs. The volunteer told a short story about the roundhouse. Then he and the crowd counted down from 10 and I fired the cannon. It was awesome! I even got a certificate that I was an honorary gunner officer. That's going on my resume.

Honorary Gunnery Officer
Be it known that on this day the above Honorary Gunner Officer discharged the Signal Cannon situated on the Gun Deck of the Round House Precinct in the City of Fremantle, Western Australia.
The Officer carried out the duties to the satisfaction of all present.
After that we headed for lunch at Cicerello's for their famous fish and chips (supposed to be the best in all of Western Australia). It was pretty good. I probably should've gotten something different since I've already had fish and chips before.
Shit On You.
We walked by the Little Creatures micro brewery but we were too full to stop for a beer. The Fremantle Markets was our next stop. It was pretty busy. Picked up some mini buttons for my collection.  
We walked about the busy streets and passed by a candy shop. Bought White Reese's Pieces. I usually have to have coffee or something hot when I eat chocolate, so we sat at a cafe and I ordered a mocha and Brett had a milkshake. It was funny to watch Brett eat one as he was so surprised at it. He'd never had a butter cup in his life! He was all like "how do I eat this?", all I could do was laugh. It tasted sweeter than the regular milk chocolate Reeses cup.

We headed back to a scooter car rental place that we passed by and rented it for 30 mins for $40. We took it for a spin around the busy parts of Fremantle. It was a lot of fun. People were watching us as we buzzed down the streets and smiling. It was really loud, like a scooter. Only crappy thing was that we had to wear helmets, but still fun. Everytime I stopped at a red light and there was a car beside us, I would look at the driver and do the nod, then rev the engine. Got a lot of laughs through that. I even told a girl that was beside us and told her I could get this baby up to 40 clicks haha.

Better watch out for this crazy Asian driver!!
After driving the scooters around, it was back to Perth. I texted Paul and Jenn to meet up for drinks with us. They agreed. Brett needed to change so we headed back to his hotel, which was directly behind where Jenn lives! We all met up and walked to the Moon & Sixpence pub. It was a pub that didn't reject me because I was wearing board shorts. Lots of places that have security/bouncers will not let people in that are wearing board shorts. I finished a pint, which is pretty rare for me. It was good times!

Ghosts of Perth.

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