Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 142 - February 11

Woke up and still felt full. Gotta learn some self control when it comes to food. I can't help it. I love food!!

Went to the bowling alley to do my paper work. After that was done, I went to the mall for lunch. Had good old greasy KFC. Kinda still felt full from last nights dinner though.
I headed down to Jenn and Pauls new place in East Perth. They lived in apartment with another couple, a Japanese girl and a Brazilian guy. The building also had a pool and work out gym.

Jenn made turkey ball vindaloo for dinner. It was really good. Paul can't handle spicy. I was watching him sweat. He didn't even know it was a spicy dish. He figured out why he was sweating after I told him it's vindaloo sauce.

After dinner we headed to the official opening of the Perth Festival. It was a bunch of white clowns on high wires going back and forth from building to building releasing feathers into the air. The whole street was closed down for this. When it was all done, we had a feather fight. There were so many feathers on the street, it looked like snow.

This street was a couple of blocks from where it all happened.
Went back to Jenns and played some Donkey Kong Country on my SNES emulator. Good times, good times.

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