Monday 4 June 2012

Day 146 - February 15

Woke up with intentions to work out.... And I did! Maybe worked out too hard though. Haven't worked out for a long time and the heat here makes it harder. Started off with a 2 km run around the park, then used the outdoor work out stations. Pretty cool that the city promotes exercise. I think Calgary has a lot to learn from other cities. 

Once I got home from working out, I got a call from Outback Jacks restaurant. The manager, Jason, asked if I was still looking for a job. I told him that I found one with AMF already and that I don't know if I would be able to take on another job. I told him to keep my resume till next week and that I would find out my schedule for the bowling alley when I work on Friday. He insisted that I come down for a trial anyways and that if it worked out, then I could work next week if I had free time. He seemed kinda desperate and I thought that since there's nothing to lose, I said I would do a trial from 7:00pm-9:00pm that night.
I met Celeste at Outback Jacks (OBJ). She was to train me as Jason was already off work. Her name was close to the name I would use if I had a daughter, Celes. Super cute, but super young. (This is where my friends would make fun of me about me and dating younger girls). She showed me around and taught me what they do. I was already familiar with everything since I've already done restaurant work.
OBJ also had a 30 minute challenge. You had to finish 1 kg of meat, potato wedges, and veggies. If you do, you win a tshirt, a voucher for your next visit, and a photo on the wall of champions. I think they should include a plunger too, for when the person clogs up the toilet the next morning. I think I may have to try this before I go back home.
I served 2 tables myself and Celeste said I did great, naturally haha. I even served some Manchester boys where one of them had an aunt from Calgary! I left after I was done my trial. I was unsure of working there when I talked to Jason on the phone, but now I really want to work there. I miss having interactions with customers.

We also get a choice of either wearing a cowboy hat or a regular hat. I'm from Calgary bitch, gimme the cowboy hat!

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