Monday 4 June 2012

Day 148 - February 17

Worked at the bowling centre from 10am-1pm. Kylie, the cafe manager, felt sick and was going home. She said to just help out Sharon, around 38 years old?, with the cafe. Super nice and bubbly. She's been there for 3 years. We had a small rush of people at lunch time. It was a group of bowlers that have mental disabilities. I had a bit of a challenge hearing what they wanted to order, but only more difficult because I'm new and I don't know all the products that we sell. Some patience and some help from Sharon and all went well. I took the orders and served drinks while Sharon cooked all the hot food in the kitchen.
I'm getting better at making coffees. I'm glad I'm working at a place where we get free coffee! Plus I can practice on making latte art.

It still sucks that the training shifts are 3 hours maximum. I wanted to work longer.
My body still ached a bit from working out 2 days ago. I'm weak sauce.

Made Hokkien noodle stiry-fry with mince beef, red capsicums and cabbage for dinner.

Kinda sucks that I'm always cooking for myself when there's lots of leftovers. I'll probably be cooking for my family and friends more often when I go back home. Now that I've made so many meals, I love cooking!

I was hanging out on my patio and saw a new housemate.

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