Tuesday 1 May 2012

Day 119 - January 19

My housemate Cait was pretty cool and talkative. That was another reason why I chose to live at this place. Nick was cool too, but less talkative. Cait says he'll warm up as time goes by.

My awesome housemates!
I applied at a lot of agencies in the downtown area of Perth. Seeing all the people in suits made me miss the corporate world. I liked having my own desk, working my own hours, meeting other business people and making deals, even just driving my own car.

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here, halfway across the world. I miss my family and friends back home. It's not all fun and games when doing a working holiday visa. Granted I've had the time of my life here, but it comes with a lot of challenges like finding the perfect place to live and finding a job. But then I look past it because it's not like I'm not going to see my friends and family again. 

I've noticed that the first couple of weeks, when you land in a new place, are not the most fun. It's tough finding a perfect place to live. Then it's even harder to find a job. During those times I think about home the most. Through my experience, once you've got those two things covered, then it's smooth sailing afterwards. You just gotta hang in there, do the best you can and something eventually goes your way. Giving up would be the worst decision.

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