Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 134 - February 3

I invited Jenn and Paul over for dinner. Since they always drive me around, it was the least I could do for them. I made them a beef stir fry dish. I couldn't find the exact Teriyaki sauce I wanted to use at the store so I bought honey teriyaki. It didn't taste as good as the one I used before. The sauce seemed too light of a taste. Had to add a lot of soy sauce.

Beef, bean sprouts, onions, green beans and red capicums (peppers).
My cooking is not even close to what my dad can do. I miss his cooking a lot. He can make anything taste awesome! He can make any sauce from scratch. He can also tell you what's exactly in a sauce just by tasting it. I think I'll have to have him teach me when I get home. This will also be my chance to have some father and son time. We don't have a lot in common, but that doesn't mean I don't love him. Since I found this new love for cooking, maybe this will bring us closer. I look back and feel that I wasn't there a lot for him. Being away for so long makes you realize what's really important. Something not everyone realizes and takes for granted.

After we ate, we went to go watch Chronicle, which Paul was super, super excited for.
The movie was okay. Paul said the movie was similar to Akira, where one of the guys lets the power get to his head and becomes uncontrollable. That was pretty much the plot.

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