Saturday 12 May 2012

Day 132 - February 1

Woke up and applied to more places. Finally got a call back from the AMF bowling alley for an interview at 5:00pm. I arrived at 4:50pm at the front counter, but the guy said it's actually tomorrow. I swear the girl on the phone, Kylie, said today at 5:00pm. Dammit! I was all excited for the interview too haha.
David, Mr. Nougat, called me back and says that they other guy didn't work out and that I could have the job. I told him I had in interview tomorrow at AMF and that I would call him back if it didn't go through. He said he understood and would await for my call. My how the tables have turned mwa hahaha. Shouldn't have gone with someone who comes to an interview with their mom. I wonder if the mom said/did something to get her kid the job......

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