Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 133 - February 2

Arrived for my interview on time and on the correct date. It was a group interview. There were 2 girls and 1 other guy with 4 managers. Judith, the centre manager of AMF Bowling, talked about the company and what they expect of us and what we should expect of the job. She was very well spoken and had a motherly figure feel to her. She says that AMF takes care of their employees as much as they can. There's even a point system where if you get positive feedback from either the managers or customers, you gain points. Then you can use these points to trade in for prizes, such as electronics or gift certificates (like airmiles). There was also Kylie (the F&B manager), Joel (supervisor), and Garry (also supervisor). After the interview was over, Judith told us that she would call us to let us know if we got the job or not in the next couple of days. I was pretty confident that I got the job. I beat out the other 3 as the other guy arrived late and didn't talk a lot. The other two girls didn't seem animated. Very robotic in their answers and repeated what I said when Judith asked why we wanted the job. Pssh, playa please, you can't beat me when you go against me in group interviews.

I had a craving for Vietnamese food. Haven't had that in ages. I went down to Northbridge for lunch (where a bit of the night life is also located).

Really?! Really?! A chopstick as a toilet paper holder?
Asians: Cheap?... or inventive?...

Mmmm Pork Vermicelli

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