Thursday 24 May 2012

Day 138 - February 7

Went to the license registry to see if I could get a WA license. They gave me a sheet that outlines what I need to provide in order to get it. One of the requirements say that I need proof of my working holiday visa, but not the electronic one, the physical sticker. I had to go to the Immigration office that was located beside the Harbour Town shopping outlet in the CBD. When I got there, it took 2 mins to get the visa sticker for my passport and it was free. I checked out the Harbour Town shopping outlet since it was right beside me. Got a yummy waffle with blueberry icecream.

I then took the Train to the Subiaco station and walked 20 mins to the girls house that had the bike for sale. The tires were flat. I said I'd go to the nearest gas station to pump it up and see if it had a leak. Once I came back with the bike, it seemed okay, but the back tire was a little bit flat. I asked her if she would take the original $35 I offered since the back tire was a little flat and it was also missing the cap. She said okay. Sweet!
I looked at my iphone map and it said I had 13 km ahead of me to ride back home. *sigh*. I needed the exercise anyways.

I started my way back home. I looked for the scenic routes back home: lakes, shops etc.
A view of Perth's CBD skyline.
I stopped by Coles and picked up some stuff. The amount of stuff I bought stuffed my backpack to the rim. Once I started riding for 10 mins, my back tire was becoming really flat. I was about 1 km away from home and decided to walk the rest of the way since my back tire was completely flat. Booooo. That's what you get for buying a $35 bike.

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