Friday 27 April 2012

Day 118 - January 18

Jenn and Paul picked me up at night to check out the midnight tour of the Fremantle prison.

The entrance.

This is where the first settlers landed and was the first public building in Western Australia. It is also where the British Government sent a convict ship. Upon arrival, the ship had 75 prisoners. These prisoners help build the Fremantle Prison in the 1950's. If I was them, I would've secretly built an escape tunnel at the same time.... or an ice cream stand.

Glass: the only thing that seperates you
from the Irish convict Paul.

The tour guide showing us the 3 leveled prison area. He told us the story about how prisoners tried to commit suicide from the 3rd floor, that's why there's a crash net installed.
Art created by prisoners.
It's to help them escape reality.
This is where flogging takes place, usually with a cat-o-nine tails whip.
Where the hangings were held. The lucky prisoners would have their head snapped for instant death. The others... well let's just say it wasn't a walk in the park.
Where the bodies would lay motionless.

The kitchen where they made soup in the big
silver vats. Sometimes they used
cockroaches and rats as ingredients.
I'll take 2 bowl please!
Gonna get lucky with a zebra in cell number 43.... giggidy giggidy goo...

The tour guide explained a lot of what happens inside the prisons. It was very interesting. They also have some points during the tour where he tries to scare you. It scared most of the people. I won't tell which parts in case you decide to visit.


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