Saturday 8 October 2011

Day 6 - September 28

We went to drop off my iphone with the young asians. They have a very good business where they fix and hack phones. They also sell accessories (that 's their cover up to hack phones, or hack people. Either way, still a good business). After that, off we went to the state library for free internet. Apparently everyone goes to this library for its free internet, even people who sign up for the free computer to look up porn. The library was full of people, but this guy didn't care. Usually if people look at something they shouldn't be, they would look over their shoulder to avoid getting caught, but this guy was having at it, blowing up naked pictures on his screen. I didn't mind of course, till my sister whispered to me 'sick, I think that guys looking at porn'. I responded 'porn?, what's porn?', haha. I went to use another one to look up more share houses. My sister wanted to use the computer too but the only one open was where the guy was looking at porn. This would be the perfect time to put on gloves, but she didn't have any. After she used the computer, she quickly used hand sanitizer. Not sure why.... Anywho, we went and picked up my phone and went to get a new sim card. I thought it would be easy to set up, but once I put in the chip, I had to call a number and it was an automated voice that explained all the deals that Optus had. I already knew about this info as the sales associated told me all about them but there was no way to skip the details. Finally after going through 10 options it dialed to India where a guy picked up and asked the exact same questions as the automated voice did. What a waste of time. What's the point in the automated part then? For small talk the Indian guy was telling me how Alexander was an important part of history, telling me after asking about my name. He said the only guy that stopped him was an Indian guy, and he asked if I had heard of him, and I said no, not caring at all about his story. Some people just can't get the hint when people don't care about small talk. I wasn't interested as I was already frustrated at the phone process. Finally after all that, I got my 10 digit phone number. A note to all new comers to Australia, make sure you have an unlocked phone so that you'll have an easier and painless way of setting one up. After that long process was over, my sister and I had taro red bean tea. It was 2 for 1. It tasted alright. It started raining hardcore. When we made it back to our hostel, our pants were soaking wet. We looked up more house sharing places then called it a night.

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