Sunday 23 October 2011

Day 12 - October 4

Interview day! I walked to reception and they handed me a sheet to fill out about myself. As I was waiting there, there were 5 others seated by me (we all sat in a square). I thought I would try and make an impression so I struck up conversation asking who was backpacking like I was. The girl in front of me said she was. I asked her where she was from, she answered Canada, then I said 'uh huh' with a big grin so that she knew I was from there too, and she continued to answer with 'Alberta', and I gave the same reaction, then she answered 'Calgary'. 'Me too' I said in disbelief. We started talking about when we landed and where we were staying and how we heard about this job. Everyone in the room heard about the job from

As we continued chatting I was finally called for my interview. The interview was pretty standard with Gwyn, he was the marketing manager basically. In interviews I feel pretty cocky as I've been through so many and I did a lot of interviewing when I worked at the casino, so I know exactly what kind of expressions and answers they are looking for. I let Gwyn know that I was super interested, but when he said that I would be selling electricity to businesses at a lower rate, inside I just wanted to leave, but this was the only interview I got so far, so I decided to stick it out and continued with the interview. After he was done, he said I was the exact person he was looking for and that I would do great at the job. He scheduled me an observation day for the following day (pretty much job shadowing) and I agreed.

After I left the building, I looked for my fellow Calgarian, Gerri, but she was nowhere to be found. As I was walking back to the train, I looked back to see her leaving the building with a guy that interviewed her. I decided to politely interrupt to ask for her email to keep in contact, she gave me her number instead. This is where I would hit the staples button and it would say 'that was easy'.

I went back to the library again to apply for more jobs. They also have a room of video games were anyone could play xbox 360, wii or ps3. Pretty sweet library. In the middle of job hunting I received a text that I had an interview with a company called Australian Farmers Direct. Weird that they texted me that, but nonetheless, I was going for another interview in a couple of hours. The text said that I can wear jeans as it was casual wear. Well that didn't work out as I dressed business casual for the previous interview and I didn't have a change of clothes with me.

I decided to have lunch before I went to the farmers interview. I ordered sushi rolls. I thought that once I ordered the rolls, they would cut them. Nope. You eat them by the roll!! Kind of a cool concept, or just plain laziness from the chef. Apparently all sushi take out is eaten as rolls. I'm told that if you dine in a restaurant, then they cut it properly.

I took the train to Richmond and walked to the Farmers Direct office wheere I met James. I told him that I had a previous interview in the day and that I didn't get a chance to go home to change, he was cool with that. He explained that I would be going door to door to try and sign people up with their company that delivers groceries to the customers front door. Second job interview and it's more door to door stuff, what the efff. Also, both jobs are commission based. Again, I gave him the answers he was looking for, but I was more uninterested in this work than the last one. For the last one, at least customers already had the product (electricity) and I would be offering a lower rate. With Farmers Direct, I would be ringing doorbells at people's houses with a new product to sell. Every house that I get to sign on, I would get $30. That wasn't every enticing to me for some reason. As we finished the interview, he told me he would call me later in the day if I got the job or not (they were trying to fill 2 vacant spots).

I got a missed call from an unknown number about 2 hours later. It could've been Direct Farmers, but I didn't care, I didn't want that job. When I arrived home, Nicholas and Zeena had just got back from visiting her grandma, whom lived about a 3 hour drive away. The three of us talked about my day with the interviews and also about their trip.

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