Sunday 16 October 2011

Day 10 - October 2

Got up to make some eggs and hot dogs for breakfast. Raul had already left the house to go study. I had a boring day, more job searching and applying.
It wasn't until the evening that I needed a break and decided to walk the streets and explore. I turned toward the right and walked down the street until I got onto a busy road with shops all around. It was about a block of shops on both sides of the street. I decided to see who was hiring by seeing if they posted anything on the shop windows. There were typical shops like a pharmacy (which they call 'chemist'), video rental, grocery (but more expensive than supermarkets) and some restaurants, including Indian and Japanese. After walking this block, I decided to take the giant loop back home so that I could explore even more of the neighbourhood.

I saw a possum on the side walk as well, but it wasn't scared of me, it sat there looking at me even as I got closer to it. It wasn't till I started walking away that it started limping. Poor guy was injured on one of his front paws. I didn't pass by any vet clinics, nor would they be open at this time. I left it alone as it was already scared and there was no vet clinic nearby.

I was getting thirsty so I walked into a 7-11 and low and behold, they have my favorite pop, Vanilla Coke!! Yummy!! Walked back to the house and it was already even later than I thought.

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