Friday 28 October 2011

Day 18 - October 10

I called back the company that was interested in my resume. The problem was that the position was for long term. Oh well, back to looking for another job.
I decided to apply at Pinnacle, where Zeena has a job at. It's a hospitality agency. They basically keep you on call and contact you when they need servers, greeters, ticket rippers, etc. for events and banquets. When I went in to apply, they asked if I had my RSA certificate (responsible service of alcohol). I said no and they told me that I had to get that first in order to apply to Pinnacle. They gave me a note that directed me to the nearest place that provided courses for RSA. 

I went to the Victorian Bar School, which was across from Flinders Station. It was normally a $70 course, but I had the note from Pinnacle that gave me a whopping $5 discount! I signed up for the next course which was to be held at 9:00am the next day.

Back to the library again to look for other jobs. This library is pretty much my second home.

Here's another edition of Overheard and Lost In Love.

Saw this mural in the alley and it reminded me of my hockey team. Go Pandas!! Oh how I miss strapping on my skates and playing hockey.

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