Tuesday 18 October 2011

Day 11 - October 3

Back to the State Library and looked for more jobs to apply to. I would recommend the following for job searching: gumtree.com.au (it's exactly like our www.kijiji.ca), seek.com.au, hays.com.au, and pinnaclepeople.com.au and the following to look for house sharing: gumtree.com.au and flatmates.com.au. While I was job searching, GM Global called me for an interview the next day at 9:00am. It was a marketing and sales position. It was the first call back I got so I was going to go check it out for sure.

After I was done at the library, I decided to see where the GM Global was located so that I wouldn't get lost in the morning. On my way to the interview location, I heard a lot of short whistle blowing nearby. I saw a park with lights shinning brightly on a court. If you hear a lot of whistle blowing and you're near a park in Australia, it's going to be Netball.
Night time netball, but my camera sucks
Real action on the netball court
If you haven't heard of netball, I would describe it as Basketball with no dribbling and you have to stay in specific areas on the court depending on what position you're playing. It's a big sport in Australia. Their country team is the Diamonds (they wear the yellow and green, look at above picture). They've won 10 of the past 13 Championships of all time. Championships are held every 4 years, with the most recent being this year.

Once I found the GM Global building, I went home. After taking the train back to Northcote, I walked past some interesting street names:
This is where Scott Roberts (my old, old boss) would live.
Imagine getting presents all the time on this street!!
You'll have to Youtube Leroy Jenkins, it's super geek.

Once I got home (which looks creepy at night), the house was freezing. I went to turn on the gas fireplace and the house cat, Oscar, was cold too, so he curled up by the heat.
This is a walkway to the front door. That window is part of my room. Creepy....
Oscar the cat, the tailess cat. His tail was run over by a car and had to be amputated. He has no man hood meow.

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