Saturday 8 October 2011

Day 1 - September 23

Mom and Dad drive my sister and I to the airport. I was hoping to have breakfast with them, but I think I woke up too late for that. Ooops. My sister and I checked in our bags and said our farewells to our parents, with lots of tears of course. I grabbed the last Timmy's double double and a chocolate dip donut when we got through customs. A part of me died. I have to wait a long, long time before I get another one of these. I met my sister at Starbucks. She got an iced green tea latte with soy. When she picked up her drink, she nudged to me that a famous person was behind her in the line also noting that he had LV luggagge bags. Guess that gave it away that he had a bit of coin in his pocket. I pretended to get some sugar at the Starbucks concession stand while looking overtop to see the famous person. My first thought was 'it was the guy who tried to kill Jack in Titanic'. After a couple of seconds later, Billy Zane!!! He ordered the same drink as my sister. As my sister and I walked to our gate, we were trying to figure out what other movies he was in. Nothing came to mind. I said he wasn't an A list actor, nor a B list actor. My sister suggested he was an A- actor. I was thinking more of a B+. Billy sat 1 row in front of us in front of the gate. My sister tried to get a video of his face, but he kept facing the other way. The plane was ready for us to board. As were getting on, I wanted to say something to Billy Zane, knowing he was sitting in first class, as that's where all B+ actors sit. I wanted to say, 'you'll never seperate Jack and Rose's love!', but chickened out. I ended up saying, while pointing to him, 'Hey Billy Zane', and he looked up and with a forced half smile said 'hey', as in 'hey, leave me the fuck alone'. That was my starstruck moment. I will never wash my eyes again. We got on the plane to LA, as the route to LA then to Sydney then to Melbourne seemed like a better option cost wise. The other option was to fly to Vancouver, Sydney, then to Melbourne, but we would have to pay extra for the flight to Sydney to Melbourne. The flight was pretty quick to LA. Had a quick nap and then we landed. Our flight landed in the afternoon around 2:00pm. As we rode the esculators down to baggage claim, we saw a limo driver with the sign 'Zane.Billy'. Really? If you're a limo driver for a B+ actor, I would think you would be able to pick him out. When we picked up our luggage, Billy Zane stopped beside us picking up his bags. I went back to the esculators, confirming that he must have went another route as the limo driver was still standing there, unaware that Billy was at the baggage claim. I went back to the carousel and told Billy 'I think your limo driver is by the esculator', he said 'thanks'. Maybe I was hoping he would give me his LV bag for being a good samariton or something. Our next flight was at 10:30pm for Sydney. But we were on standby, so we weren't even sure if we're going to get on, but the agent at the desk says there were more open seats to stand-by passengers. Sweet! We went to eat first. Had Grilled panini's. Not that great, but then again, what do you expect from an airport. Saw a guy, whom looked very sketchy, steal a granola bar from starbucks. Really?? Of all things, a granola bar?? I guess he's a healthy thief. Finally the time came when they were annoucing the standbys that will be getting on. It wasn't us. Even though there were 22 open seats. They said that they were over the load limit. stupid fat americans!! We had to spend one night in LA so we stayed at a motel for the night.The room was the size of a shoebox. The regular price for that room was $150, but we had an airport discount that brought it down to $60. Thank goodness for that, the room looked like it was worth $30 (the size of 3 single beds, with a bathroom). Before we went to bed, I was craving some food. We went to IHOP for a late snack, bad idea as I had a bad stomach ache later that night.

1 comment:

  1. Billy Zane was one of Biff's buddies in the Back to the Future movies!

    I hope you're able to open your eyes, what with all the eye crusties you'll get from not washing your eyes.
