Monday 30 January 2012

Day 78 - December 9

Worked a long shift from noon till 2:45am. The cafe was closed to the public during the day as there were 2 afternoon functions. I bartended for the outside party. It was a small one of about 35 people. The party inside had a sit down dinner and got to eat giant prawns for appetizers and choose either chicken or beef with peas and red capsicums for their main. Australians call peppers capsicums. The staff got to eat the left overs. It was delicious!

Prawn, chicken breast with peas and red capsicums.
 The two afternoon parties ended at 6:00pm as the next two started at 7:30pm. The one outside was a Flight Centre Xmas party and the party inside was for a guys 21st bday. I took care of the outside party again. It was a Christmas costume party. The ladies wore as little as possible, as they should, and some of the guys wore as little as possible too, as they shouldn't. They were obviously a fun crowd though.

A hot chick had asked me where I was from and my name while I was handing out food. I answered and she told me her name was Kelly. Every time I came out with new food we would talk for a bit. The next time I came out with new food she was gone. Too bad.

There was one guy, that was a bit heavier set, who introduced himself as Ray. He asked me the same question that everyone else does, my name and where I'm from. He asked me what time I was off. I was thinking maybe he was going to invite me to a Flight Centre after party. Nope, not even close. It was a personal invite for a party for just him and me because he asked if I was straight or gay. I said straight. He looked a little disappointed, but they he asked 'you know the difference between a gay and straight man? A flat of beer.' I just gave him a nervous laugh and said that I'd get him some water since he was hammered. Being hit on by a guy, well that was a first for me.

I went up to Mark and asked him if he's surprised that I was hit on by a guy, he replied 'no, it's because you're friendly'. Fantastic.

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