Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 77 - December 8

We set up the cafe for a sit down dinner. Mark, Meg and I handled the floor, while Erwin and Sheldon looked after the bar, PK, Sylvia and Julie took care of the kitchen.

Brett, the DJ that Grace always uses for functions, set up his equipment early. We had some fun.

DJ Slanty Eyes.

Me, PK, and Meg holding different variations of sambuca.
Mark, Meg and I took care of handling food orders for an entree (in Australia an entree is an appetizer), main dish, and desserts for all 90 people. Mark had a great system set up that made it easy to know who was getting what. This was the first time I served food in a fancy sort of way.

Clean up was easy tonight as there was 4 of us closing instead of the usualy 2 or 3 people. Grace likes to send people home early thinking she's saving money when in reality, we can finish a lot faster with 1 extra person which actually saves her money. She's slowly seeing it our way.

I told grace that I had to leave at 12:00am the latest as my last train comes at 12:14am. She asked how much a cab ride home would cost, I estimated $30 and she said she would pay for it. Sweet as (this is how Australians say 'awesome').

Before she left for the night, she secretly handed me $40. I asked what this was for and she said for basically being able to trust me to close the restaurant down without her being there. She usually leaves early, but leaves it to PK to close it up, but since he's not here, I have that responsibility now. But then I wondered if the $40 was actually my taxi ride money (which it most likely was).

I hailed a taxi at the end of my shift. I was carrying 2 bags of food as well. There were left over steaks, tiramisu and chocolate pie at the end of the party. Myself and my housemates will like this. The cab ride costed $26. Sweet, made an extra $14, I'm rich!

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