Sunday 15 January 2012

Day 64 - November 25

Worked from 10:30am - 2:00am. 15.5 hours straight, this has got to be illegal, oh wait, I'm being paid under the table.

Burn, the crazy ex-barista, came in to pick up her last pay and some jackets she left behind. Grace asked me to follow her to the staff locker room to make sure she doesn't do anything fishy. I wanted so badly to laugh in her face, but I have more class than that.... well at least more than she does.
When burn got all her stuff, she started giving Grace attitude. While Burn was leaving, she told Grace to have a nice life a snobby bitchy way and left. I laughed.
The function at night was a Christmas party for an IT business. Most of the people were over 40, there was a handful that were under 30. They weren't as geeky as you would think for an IT business. Most of them were fun to hang around. But people usually are when you bring them food.

I had a bunch of people ask for my name as they wanted to tell Grace on what a great job I did. Then Grace, being all about business, says to me, at the end of the night, "a lot of people liked you out there, I will have you serve food again tomorrow". Okay, thanks Grace. No "what a great job you did" or "I'm going to give you a raise". She needs to learn to appreciate her staff.
Let this be a note to all you managers that are reading this blog. Simple appreciation to your staff goes a long way.

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