Tuesday 24 January 2012

Day 74 - December 5

Said my farewells to Raul and his cousin. They were off to drive along the east coast of Austrlia. This was the last time I would see Raul since I'll be leaving Melbourne before he gets back on January 20th.

I still wasn't feeling well so I went to the doctors. I ended up paying $63 for the doctor to tell me that I'll feel better in a couple of days and that I wouldn't need any medicine. What a waste of money.  Though he did give me some tips on travelling to Tasmania, which I may do. So in essence, I paid $63 for travel advice. He did mention that if I wanted medicine, it would only help me get better by a day or two and would cost about $100. Obviously I didn't bother with the meds.

The internet company responded back. They didn't buy it. They only answered that we should upgrade to a higher service. I decided to bite the bullet and pay for most of the bill. Zeena said she will only pay up to $100 and feels that is fair enough from her. Whatever. I said I'll pay the bigger bill of $480. That's about 4 days of work down the drain. Raul will pay the difference of $200.

Ever since the internet bill came about, everything felt different between myself and Zeena/Nicholas. Good thing I'm leaving in about a month. 

Made some yummy stir-fry for dinner.
Beef, bean sprouts, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, and onions.

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