Sunday 15 January 2012

Day 66 - November 27

Woke up and my house mate Noami introduced me to our new house mate.
He was located outside the front door.
Made myself some lunch before I was to go meet Julie, not the current Julie that works at Harbour Kitchen, but the one that used to work there.

Met Julie in the CBD area and we went for a coffee at Trunk. We talked about life: her studies, what she wants to do, what I've done, what I hope to accomplish, etc. We had a lot in common about topics as well and so our conversation went on for a long time. I was also playing around with her camera at the same time. It was a nice compact one.

My cappuccino
Julie's latte
My rings
Julie planning what we're going to do the next day
Julie taking some photo's too
My gift to Julie when she went to the bathroom. She laughed that night when she went through her photos.
After coffee, we both went home. I went grocery shopping, but also went through a park. It had a funny sign.
Whoever made this, well done.... well done.
They have drive thru liquor stores!! So safe...
I got home after grocery shopping and all Oscar was doing was scratching himself all over the furniture.
The chair...
The tv stand...
The bookcase...
Another chair...
and the random ladder in our living room.
Oscar hides under the ironing board when he's scared

Guess that's why cats need scratching posts. But the owners are too broke ass to buy him one.

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