Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 76 - December 7

Noami, my housemate, looked liked she didn't even sleep last night when I saw her in the afternoon. She didn't even go to school and she already told me that if she misses anymore classes, she'll be kicked out. We talked a bit and she said that she was going to get a doctors note so that she could be excused for her absence. She looked miserable. I gave her a bowl of cut up watermelon to cheer her up. I told her she needed some happy fruit. She smiled and said thanks for helping her out. No matter how small it is, any sort of kindness always helps, even if it's for a second.

I decided to walk along Bourke Street (which is a well known shopping street). Saw a bunch of buskers.

Santa on a surfboard. He moved very slowly.
Not sure how he survived in that suit with the heat.

Really? Playing the bagpipes in a gorilla suit?

Now I've seen everything, a penguin playing the trumpet.
Back to work after having 3 days off. Wish I actually got to go out during those days off, stupid sickness. Worked from 7:00pm-12:00am. The function was for the Docklands Association. When you hear 'association' you immediately think old people.... and that's right! There was about 60 of them. I bartended and handed out food. The elderly love it when they tell stories and you pretend you know what they're talking about and agree with them. It's not being mean, it's just being polite.

When I was handing a James Boags beer to one of the members, he asked if I had seen the commercials for the beer. I answered no. He said they are really funny.

PK left at 9:00pm once he was done cooking all the food. That left only myself and Sheldon to shut the place down. The party ended at 11:30pm and my last train leaves at 12:14am. Sheldon and I hauled ass and did the best we could... well not really, but we cleaned up enough so that it looked presentable... well not that either, it looked good enough.

James boags beer commercials. Click the link.
James Boags - From the Pure waters of Tasmania

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