Sunday 15 January 2012

Day 65 - November 26

Started work at 4:00pm. Saw some Dragonboat racing when I got to work.

When I got there, it was only me. Afsol was also supposed to be here at 4:00pm but Grace said that he won't be coming in till 6:30pm. She wanted me early to call some potential party bookings. I called a couple of them, but no one answered their phones.

We got on the topic of her background and current lifestyle. She also said she considered me a friend and so she started telling me that she came from a very wealthy family and that she was brought up to study very hard then work hard, the asian way of living. She said she married and had a child in China, around the same time her sister did too. Then Grace saw that she didn't want that life. She divorced and moved to Melbourne and bought out the Harbour Kitchen Cafe. 
It was nice to see the personal side of Grace. It's rarely seen. 
The party was for Sams 40th bday. It was another Greek style party. These parties are the most fun to host.

At the end of the night, Sam thanked me for taking care of him and his guests. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Must be a Greek thing.... or he was hitting on me.
Afsol and me in the back, Meg, PK and Julie in the front.

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