Saturday 21 January 2012

Day 73 - December 4

I stayed home all day as I felt sick. Didn't do much except stay in my room and watch tv and movies online.

Raul came home for 1 day. He packed his stuff to get ready for his second leg of his vacation. But before that happened, Nicholas, Zeena and Raul looked over my letter to the internet company about lowering our bill from before.

Here is a first ever blog flashback:

December 1 I came home to Zeena and Nicolas with a bill in their hand and they said to me that we had to talk. They showed me the internet bill for the month (for which we all chip in $15 each month). The cost for October and November (they bill in cycles of 2 months) combined was about $780!! Right away I already owned up that it was me that was downloading a lot since my HD movies are about 5-10 gigs each and my HD TV shows are about 2-3 gigs each. I told them that when I moved in, I asked Raul, since Zeena wasn't home, if there was a limit on our internet. He told me that there wasn't. Since then, I've been downloading like normal if I was in Canada.

On the bill, our limit was only 100 gigs a month, which is nothing to me. Zeena then says she was depressed for the last couple of days (she got the bill a couple of days earlier). All I could think of was that it's just money, everything will be fine. There are way worser situations that people go through than an internet bill. She did mention at first if we should all split the bill evenly, but I owned up and said that I will pay most of it... like a boss.

She did mention that she felt partly responsible that she didn't give me the full rules of the house, but also mentioned that I should've asked her about the internet. I told her that I had no reason to not believe Raul since he'd been living there for so long. BUT that brings me to a point: she is right, she should've told me about ALL the rules about the house. As "Head of Household" it should be their responsibility for all their tenants in the house. I didn't have to pay any of the extra costs if I didn't want to. Plus I didn't sign any contract when I moved into the house. (for all you new backpackers, check everything throughly so this doesn't happen).

Before I would pay Zeena, I told her that I would write a letter to the company and plea for the balance to be lowered.

Flashforward to present day:

I had written the letter. I wrote them the 'misunderstanding' letter. It pretty much said that there was a miscommunication between the people in the house on what the limit of the internet usage waas and if they'd be able to help us with lowering the cost. We could only wait for a couple of days to see what happens.

Once again, played with Oscar.

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